Obi-Wan Was Rey's Original Father in Star Wars

The mystery of Rey's parents was kept secret for years, and Star Wars actor Daisy Ridley revealed the original idea was to have Obi-Wan as her father. For several years, Rey's heritage was the biggest question within the Star Wars fandom. But with the sudden reveal that she was the daughter of a Palpatine clone, many fans were left wondering if that was the plan from the start or if it was a left-minute decision from behind the scenes. And answers were finally given by Rey's actor, Daisy Ridley, who admitted that Obi-Wan was originally Rey's father. With the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it was clear that Rey's parents were a big part of her story. Yet, audiences were left surprised by Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which had Kylo claim her parents were no one and that she was unimportant. Whether this idea is liked, it was a bold move to make in a saga about the Skywalker family. But it didn't matter for long, as Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker chose to...